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03各大洲 少林联合会 北美_edited_edited.jpg

On May 11, 2011 in the United States, Abbot Shi Yongxin launched the Shaolin North American Association. It was then officially established and formally registered on June 18, 2013. It is currently under the affiliation of USA SONGSHAN SHAOLIN TEMPLE FOUNDATION;

少林北美聯合會,2011 年 5 月由釋永信方丈在美國發起,2013 年 6 月 18 日正 式註冊成立。是隸屬於美國嵩山少林寺基金會(USA SONGSHAN SHAOLIN TEMPLE FOUNDATION)的下屬機構;


The Shaolin North American Association is under the guidance of its founder, Abbot Shi Yongxin. The Abbot of China Songshan Shaolin Temple serves as the director and mentor of the foundation.

本機構由釋永信大和尚直接指導創辦;中國嵩山少林寺方丈為本會當然之會長 和導師。


On May 2011, Abbot Shi Yongxin proposed that the eight branches in North America should collaborate and launch the organization. The purpose was for Shaolin culture enthusiasts and disciples in North America to establish an interactive platform, utilizing principles derived from spiritual wealth and experiences from over fifteen hundred years of tradition. Such principles include cultural Shaolin traditions and care for humanity. Following these principles, the Shaolin Temple hopes to synergize local and multicultural resources for members to establish mutual exchange, communication, information, and resources. 

2011 年 5 月有釋永信方丈倡議,由北美地區 8 家發起會員共同發起;目的是為 北美地區少林文化愛好者和少林弟子之間搭建的一個互動平台。少林北美聯合會將秉承少林文化的人文關懷和文化傳承的理念,從一千五百餘年的少林文化 傳承發展得來的寶貴經驗和精神財富,少林寺希望通過這一平台,整合本地區 與多元文化資源,為會員搭建一個相互交流、溝通、資訊的平台和渠道。

Shaolin North America Association Constitution


On May 11, 2011 in the United States, Abbot Shi Yongxin launched the Shaolin North American Association.It was then officially established and formally registered on June 18, 2013.

少林北美聯合會,2011 年 5 月由釋永信方丈在美國發起,2013 年 6 月 18 日正 式註冊成立。

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